Saturday 3 November 2012

  1. What is communication? - According to De Vito (1978), he said communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with some of the effects of personal and immediate feedback. Based on the messages, he was trying to explain that "communication" involve at least two participant who send and receive messages either in word or gestures. Message that have send by sender will give effect and receiver will give feedback.                                                                                                                                                        
  2. Example of communication - There are two example of communication;(a) Verbal communication are usually us by writing and speaking, (b) Non communication is a communication that we not use word but only use symbol. Non communication is very important because we can describe emotion, personality, social status and so on. 
  3. What is technology? - Technology is anything that our task become simpler, safe, economical and efficient. According to Rogers (1993), the technology usually have two fundamental component; (a) equipment is a material or physical object, (b) software is a fundamental information that normally required by hardware. By technology, we can connect with all people around the world and also sharing more information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  4. Example of technology - Today, every equipment that we use in daily life use technology. There are a lot of example of technology such as Smart phone. television. radio Ipad, Ipod, Electic car and so on.                                                                                                                                                                                       
  5. What are the features of non-communication? - Non-communication is the same meaning with nonverbal communication. Non communication is very important while we communicate with other people. By using non communication, other people can understand us without speaking. There are 4 important features of non communication; (a) eyes contact, (b) facial expression, (c) gesture, and (d) posture.
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of hand phone -                                                                     Advantages - can connect with all people  around the world, sharing information, can help us easier to excess internet, we can listen to our favorite music, playing games and watched video clip, we can bring it everywhere because it is very small. Disadvantage - handphone will make someone spent less time with family member, hand phone is very expensive, wasting time especially for student, easily broken, hand phone also not good for our health because of radiation, wasting money to by latest application.
  7. Effect of the future of the technology and nation - Nowadays, the technology has been conquer the world and very sophisticated especially handphone. Although, it is very small but by using handphone we can connect with all people and also can assess internet everywhere to get more information. Technology nowadays give many benefit to us and it also make our life become easier. But, not all sophisticated technology give us positive effect. It is actually can give a big problem to our nation especially teenagers. By technology, many social problem will happen such as pornography, fraud, hacking, rob and so on. If this happen, our nation will be face with big problem because teenagers are very important for the future. So, we can use technology and also handphone in our life but we must know about the impact of that in future.